Sunday, October 30, 2011

Master: Draft copy: Put in your comments if you read this

There once was a time when the Captain of a Ship inspired awe. He was someone who had so much powers that once the his ship cast off the jetty, he was He. God. There was not much the owner of the ship or the cargo could do but trust Him to get the ship home. He sometimes was part owner too. His crew were no better than slaves unless He was the benevolent sort. If he didn't like your face, he could make you walk the plank! Well He could. He may not because he needed you to scrub his quarters clean.

He ran the ship the way He wanted. Everyone else just got round to accepting it.

And now, I wonder if he has not become a Slave. A mechanical robot signing away on redundant weather messages and irrelevant Navtex messages.

( the text progression:
1. Show how powerful the captain was. How skilled he was. A man maanger. The final word.
Used to be part owner.
Now he has become powerless. He has lost his skills of management. He cannot or need not make decisions)

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